Categories: Women’s Health

Make The Perfect Guy Yours – Use The Attraction Sequence

Product Name: Make The Perfect Guy Yours – Use The Attraction Sequence

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3 Weird Secrets Why Smart Women End Up Alone

My name is Jake and in the next 90 seconds I’m going to let you in on 3 weird secrets about men…

Plus the little known ‘currency’ of commitment men crave more than love

Look just a moment & I’ll let you see why the sparks could be flying from the moment you meet, yet he never makes a further move…

It’s why everything could be going perfect until he goes distant and cold without explanation…

And it’s why men eventually leave amazing women.

There’s a hidden power women have over any man she desires… more than beauty or sex.

Because there’s one thing he wants more than beauty.

Yes, even more than incredible, heart-pounding sex.

It’s why any woman who knows these 3 secretsskip ALL the games & frustration

And your experience with men changes dramatically once you see the single most important thing stopping you from having a man who is hooked on you (and only you).

So whether you’ve just met this man and hoping to turn things more seriously…

Or you can feel the man of your dreams slipping away and you’re worried you’ll lose him forever…

Or maybe if you’re like most women who read this letter, right now, you might be facing the sobering reality of getting back into dating…  

These 3 weird secrets will be the silver lining you’ve been missing.

Especially when you’re tired of false promises getting your hopes up again.

I’ve personally helped over 3,111 women secure that amazing guy in their life. 

Listen closely, because everything is about to change for you.

And this works for any woman.25, 35, 45, 55, 65… 75…

Picture the guy you truly want begin to place his full focus and attention on you…

Letting her hold him in pursuit wanting more from each and every moment…

Now let me ask you this…

Have you ever seen a big ring on a woman next to a gorgeous, highly desirable man, and it made you wonder:

“How Did She End Up With Him?”

Well, the answer for letting him win your heart will surprise you…

Over the years, I’ve picked up SO many tricks and strategies that work especially well for “plain Jane” to literally get inside any man’s mind, even if she’s just met.

Even if she’s (much) older. Even if he said he’s done & moving on. 

That said, I have to warn you: what you are about to see may go against all mainstream dating and relationship advice you’ve been hearing. 

“Online dating”, reading books, therapy, or simply being less selective are fine, yet they won’t make you more desirable, and they certainly will never allow you to feel secure knowing you are in complete control over your romance.

Because this is NOT for women who are willing to settle for “average”.

First, let’s get clear on what he really wants.

Weird Secret #1: Forget All about “Beauty & Youth”

Most people agree they MUST have chemistry. But did you know a man feels so much more chemistry when he’s with a more mature woman? 

Yes, men will show it different ways, yet the fear that men only want a younger, prettier woman is a MYTH… read on. I’ll prove it with pictures!

Emotional sequencing sparks chemistry much deeper than beauty or even sex

Petite, youthful women ARE able to attract men.

And where has “power couple” status truly gotten them?

Affairs, divided households and bitter, nasty divorces. Looks might hook a man — yet being drop dead gorgeous does not make you a great catch.

It only makes it harder to find a genuine guy. And these women never feel secure in their relationship. 

…They’re far too often pressured into sex before they’re ready.

Making it impossible to see the red flags early before it’s too late… 

And as soon as these women ask for what they really want?

…He pulls away and his real truth comes out. 

Do you really think relying on “beauty or youth” to attract a man is a winning dating strategy?

Of course not, yet far too much time will pass before most ladies find out. 

Weird Secret #2: Dumber Women Are Getting Married More

Most women reading feel like they have the worst luck when it comes to love…

Did you know smart, successful women find dating much harder? Studies show for every 16-point rise in a woman’s IQ, her likelihood for marriage drops by as much as 40%. 

Really think about this… Women who might be as dumb as a box of rocks are more likely to be happily-taken and showing off the rock they carry on their ring finger. 

Now, I’m not saying to “act dumb”.

Yet I’m certain you’ve seen it before… women falling into their silver years get looked at less and less as men pass them by like ghosts on the street. Did you know more than 70% of men limit their age preference on dating apps at 35? 

If you’ve been trying to put yourself out there only to struggle to meet a great guy… 

You’re not going crazy… here’s the reality: 

Smart, single women over 35 are almost invisible to men. 

In just a moment, you’re going to see how to bring your romance back to life.

Weird Secret #3: Let Him Come To You

Even if you feel like you’re being flirty and open…

Doing all the work blocks you from attracting a high quality man.

Until you fully embrace the simple sequence which I’ll reveal in just a moment…

You will continue to fail to create secure commitment in masculine driven men.

Enjoying a passionate relationship that satisfies your heart, mind and your soul will always slip through your hands…

Because instead of being able to rest your head on the chest of the man who becomes your spiritual partner… your lover… and your best friend…?

You attract a man who wants a free therapist or a mommy to look after him. 

That means you’ll feel even more pressure to settle.

If you do, you’ll never find the amazing partner you truly want. 

And you’ll never make him feel like he’s found his soulmate. This means whenever you ask for more from him… he’ll have no choice but to step back and pull away. Because if you don’t have his full 100% yes, unfortunately, then you have his “No”.

That’s why there’s 3 simple loopholes that I call the “Attraction Sequence” that can quickly make any man obsessed with you.

Think of this little known currency as “commitment foreplay”.

And just like good foreplay, it begins far BEFORE the bedroom. Now before I share this simple “make him YOURS” formula with you…

And what truly works for the women who got the guy — who found exciting romance she has been searching and searching for…

WARNING:These Emotional Sequencing Secrets Are NOT For Everyone

I’ll always give it to you straight: The truth about making men obsessed you’re about to discover is definitely not for everyone, for example:

So… once you understand this “commitment foreplay” you’ll unlock the relationships you’ve always wanted…

In fact you’ll see how to almost effortlessly win that amazing man as you…

Here’s How You Will Wrap Him Around Your Finger The Moment You Meet

Plus Make It Look As If You’ve Become Irresistible to Quality Secure Men…And Get His Full Attention Without Relying on Sexual-Intimacy Or Beauty.

YES, looks DO attract men. HOWEVER: Mature women are mesmerizing adventurous, intelligent, respectful bachelors… to a point of feeling complete control over men.

 …Especially if you are hitting an age where you are thinking to yourself, “Well, I’m older now… it’s downhill from here.”

This letter will change your mind.

REAL men today crave deep emotional attraction…

and it’s KEEPING YOU from securing the guy you truly want

Are you afraid of being vulnerable?

Is thinking every man is just wanting sex with a younger, prettier woman going to get him
faster than knowing what will truly captivate him?

Have a look at all these women leading with sexually aggressive styles, cosmetic procedures to the point of plastic Barbie doll, and “boss babe” attitudes.

Have a look at some of the most “desired” women in the world — almost always single, and rife with affairs

Now you tell me: have they found happily ever after with a great guy? I’ll bet you said, “No”, and you wouldn’t need to look far to prove it.

Because although looks might open more doors, GENUINE MEN confess: They are miserable with most modern women today who lack the emotional attraction they deeply crave.

Why? Because good women just like you have been misled and lied to about what men, genuine QUALITY men really want.

…By Hollywood, po-rn, and the trillion dollar cosmetic industry.

 You’ve been led to believe you have to out-compete beautiful, younger women when what you REALLY need to do is spot the Fakes and use a very targeted attraction sequence.

Settling for passionless companions and “average” not required

Become his greatest escape…

High Quality men don’t bother with how “superficial” many beautiful younger women can be. Most men in these relationships are miserable to the point of an affair or divorce. 

Yet when asked, these men admit their previous partner was more attractive, more in shape, and even younger… So why do these men leave or cheat?

Because a man’s driver of happiness is his ability to feel as if he’s swept a woman off her feet. 

And if you make him feel he can do it better than another guy, you get to make him feel king of your world.

You became his greatest escape… captivating him on a deep, masculine level.

How do these women do it?  Simple. 3 loopholes lighting up his reward system and giving genuine, REAL men the validation they are desperately missing in today’s chaotic dating world. That’s how.

And that’s exactly how YOU will do it, too. I’ve interviewed hundreds of men from all walks of life, and I know exactly what GOOD men secretly desire, plus dozens of other “make him YOURS” secure commitment secrets. 

I’ll tell you HOW I know all of this in just a moment.

After years of work, I’ve condensed these secrets men will never admit and made them work for the busy, over-30 woman who wants to win that great guy FASTER.

Most importantly? These ladies NEVER settle, in any form.

Listen: This is not just to get “any guy”. QUALITY guys respond very differently than just your “typical joe”. But hey… If average is your gig, go for it. The ambitious women this is for prefer something else.

The Answer Is Found Within The
Temptress Technique™

There’s a reason “emotional sequencing” has amazing men become obsessed — however, let’s make sure we’re on the same page. It’s DEEP work. Allowing yourself to being vulnerable with men again is required. 

And don’t worry. I designed this unique “Make Him Yours” protocol to work for mature, experienced women. Women in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and even 70s. ESPECIALLY those who felt hurt in the past for being their vulnerable self.

My trademarked protocol is called The Temptress Technique. 

You’ll quickly get his full, committed YES! using seven highly specific male physiology cues in an unique combination that target his reward system and make him feel like your king that has worked for countless women again and again to secure that perfect guy.

So at this point you might be wondering…

Simply relax while he does ALL the work…

How do I know all of this?

I’m Jake Sommer, intimacy consultant & matchmaker to high profile executives and relationship coach to countless women around the world. My dating advice has been shared by millions of women, and on almost every major platform today.

Don’t let how simple this looks fool you… I have a large female readership because we are focused on the truth, not absurd gimmicks, worthless subscription services, or “manipulation”. (Come on, are you SERIOUS?!? You are WAY too smart to fall for all that nonsense!)

Our Method Simply Works…Yet ‘Regular’ Approaches Just Keep You Lonely!

Emotional Attraction Sequencing WORKS… and I’m here to tell you I’ve seen it all… and so have the men you want.

We’ve Seen it… We’ve tried it.. and we keep coming back to what really works.

And that is the Temptress Technique… created by the frustrations and dissatisfactions of high quality guys, and tested by women from “Amazing Aunties” to MD’s and high-profile executives.  

It works FAST. It works almost EVERY TIME.
You just have to be willing to trust and be vulnerable again. 

You’re not going to get closer to the great guy you want by swiping for hours on end, going on date after date or hoping a matchmaker will save you.

 Why? Because you simply won’t find lasting genuine love with a high quality guy unless you tap his reward system and create highly charged emotional attraction first. 

Every shady dating service or influencer wants you to believe there’s some kind of shortcut to the guy and intimacy you desire. They’re full of it. You’re too smart to buy into that, right?

Now, there’s good news, too: “Being vulnerable” does not mean embracing hurt. “Being open” does not mean taking risks.  

Remember, I put The Temptress Technique together with the over-30 woman in mind, and it’s specifically and uniquely designed to help you lean into sultry, confident radiance and understand quality guys so you feel safe, secure and are loving all the new attention you’re getting. Just know THIS…

These Techniques for Captivating His Devotion Are Really Hard to Find

Unless you’ve been studied relationships and intimacy, interviewed hundreds of high quality, commitment minded men for the past several years, AND can read minds, you simply cannot find this specific  Emotional Attraction System anywhere on the planet but on this page.

Because as quality men came to me for answers, I pressed them and pushed them to confess what makes them obsess about a woman.

I pulled apart what makes him pursue a woman to the end of the earth like a hunter. What is it that lets him feel happily at peace with the decision of spending a lifetime with her… 

And I profiled the kind of men who most women wouldn’t believe haven’t been snatched up yet.

Bring the perfect, genuine guy firmly into your life

Sure, you can find a similar approach to attracting men. After all, some of these concepts are pure human physiology.

And, if you really wanted to, you could get a degree in behavior, spend about 100 hours with psychologists, and probably pin down 70% of what I cover in The Temptress Technique.

You could do that… but why?

I’ve not only created the system FOR you. I’ve already put the “Get Inside His Mind” and the “Make Him Yours” Attraction Secrets guidebooks plus the action steps all into one short, simple to read plan that you can grab and put into action in about 2-3 hours. That’s it.

Straight, no filler, and right to the point.

So, it’s up to you: grab the Guidebook I’ve created for you, or continue digging around in the dust and hope you get lucky.

And, not matter what you decide, you will never access all the specifics that can make or break your success with guys, and all the freebies I’m about to show you without choosing your own ticket for The Temptress Technique.

This works for any woman, no matter how young or how old you are

Over the past dozen years or so, I have seen one prevailing lie told over and over again…

“Guys only want younger, prettier women… and they don’t want commitment.” It’s a sham!

ONE simple System… THIS System will work for any woman at any age, without drastic modifications of any kind. 

This means you can relax as you enjoy getting to know that great guy you want without worrying he’s just wanting sex from you, or simply “being too picky” and settling. It means finally understanding what adventurous, intelligent, respectful men want.

Because the Temptress Technique Protocol has THREE (3) PHASES. Each phase is designed to give you exactly what secures a high quality man for life — nothing more, nothing less.

Let me tell you about these 3 Phases…

Do you want confident, compassionate, commitment-minded men feeling “at home” with you?

You’ll see my simple technique ALL MEN are powerfully influenced by without even knowing it once you understand how the subtle things you say and do DEEPLY affect him.

You’ll see how to sneak right inside any man’s mind and hear what he wishes he could tell you. With the exact words, phrases, and actions you need. 

I’ll even let you have my simple texts you can send him that let you become an emotional addiction to him.

And believe me, you will not be swiping 4 hours a day through apps, or squeezing in time for awkward social events. That will only leave you even more exhausted. 

The few simple physiology secrets I give you, plus the “Where All the Great Guys Went” Guide (complete with GPS) will get you into exactly the fun, exciting romance you want with that perfect guy.

It’s completely up to you.

NOTE: Some Temptress Technique readers only go through Phase 1. They find that they get “just enough” attention and ALL the fun they desire, and they simply stop right there.

Of course, they might keep potential suitors on stand-by, waiting in reserve, yet they do not progress to Phase 2 or Phase 3.

Here’s where that feeling of obsession begins to deeply take hold in him… 

Realize that the very things you find sexy, exciting, and attractive about him? Almost never do they have to do with why he’s interested in you.

This misunderstanding of what truly drives him is part of the reason why so many women never receive the deep, long conversations and rush of intimacy she truly desires.

Just know this: every day, men leave incredible women they love because she never makes him consider how much she means to him until it’s far too late… and She gave up everything for him.

That’s why you will now do simple “take-aways” EARLY, so you stack his awareness of the consequences of not having you in his life. 

Plus, they help YOU truly understand if he’s worth keeping around. Sound good?

This is so important that you make him feel CONTRAST so he fully understands how important a future with you means to him.  

This is what most women do.

First, they start leaning back into their confident, authentic self.

They take their time getting to know these men for who they truly are. Here you may relax as your man pursues you while screening for exactly who you want to get to know closer.

That’s it! Nothing drastic, no major commitments. 

Oh, and the added benefit of Temptress Technique Phase 2 is that you avoid non-committal men because you allow time for red flags to show up. There are only 6 you need to know.  

Look out for them early exactly like I show you and you’ll effortlessly keep your heart safe.

And since most women find theirselves with more options than time in a week to explore… you’ll never feel pressured into anything you don’t want to do. You can do the same!

Here’s where things really get fun.

That unnecessary pressure and anxiety you feel from not knowing where you stand in a relationship…? Never again.

Ladies, not all men are the same.

So when you’re wanting to go steady with your guy, use The Temptress Technique Select.

Letting him feel he’s found his soulmate…

You’ll know it’s safe to let your heart open wide and focus on spending your time with the high quality guy who feels at peace with his decision of committing to you.

You can continue enjoying the depth and comfort of a secure relationship as you further your bond with the man of your choice. You’ll happily explore getting to know him on a deeper, intimate level. 

You remain in total control!

Now, here’s the really good part. You are in TOTAL CONTROL — you simply STOP when you’ve attracted the guy you want! You never, EVER have to feel pressured to settle or rush into a relationship you don’t want. That just doesn’t happen on Temptress Technique.

You stop when you feel confident, secure and satisfied with the guy YOU want. You don’t have to keep going on dates or have men on the back burner.

I know this sounds so incredibly simple… and it is. You see, you might be confused when it comes to what to do these days in order to meet a great guy while keeping your heart safe.

There is so much conflicting advice out there; it’s enough to confuse anyone! And it’s not your fault. So many tv shows or influencers, especially on social media, print the most confusing and outright STUPID dating advice and ideas I’ve ever seen! 

It’s no wonder women are going years utterly alone, good men are fleeing the country and people are going their entire life without ever finding someone amazing to spend it with.

Everything you need to know has been condensed into this simple-to-use guidebook:

A shortcut to winning back the amazing loveyou really want…

The solution is found in attracting the right kind of guy and making him obsess with you using his simple physiology… (you’ll become absolutely irresistible so he chases you, pursues you and gives you his complete devotion and attention).

The results have been proven throughout the decades…and now, YOU can have the “Handbook” version of this exact System that we’ve had the good fortune to stumble across!

I can’t take all the credit for this system

I wasn’t kidding when I said this allows any woman to have so much fun attracting that perfect guy it becomes almost EFFORTLESS.

This was the result of being surrounded by some of the most respectful, passionate and genuine guys that I’ve had the fortune to meet.

Getting to see first hand what they truly desire from a woman, what causes a man to obsess about a woman, and what allows any woman to quickly, easily wrap him around her finger.

I knew this information needed to be shared. But the interviews, the answers these men gave, were harsh, honest and unforgiving. 

They didn’t know how to convert what’s going through their mind into clear and concise strategies that women can use to connect with them. 

So I spent nine weeks tirelessly working to add in what was missing, filling in the gaps with every single insight and tool and tactic and strategy that I knew about getting his attention, connecting to men, and understanding what men really want and how to give it to him in a way that make him feel the powerful gut feeling you are the one.

And even though this plan is really BABY simple… yet:

Go it alone, and you will end up confused and frustrated

We’ve seen people try and do it on their own without our “users guidebook” Emotional Attraction Sequencing.

The results are NOT pretty.

Simply screening out low-quality guys is not all there is to it. People see how easy the Temptress Technique is, and some assume they can just do it alone, without the guidance that comes in the Emotional Attraction Sequence program.

Well, they end up pretty confused most of the time. That’s because the Temptress Technique is highly specific.

Would you start being a love coach after watching the movie “Hitch”… and think you’re a matchmaker? Of course not. This is no different. 

When I tell women there is a very specific emotional attraction sequence based on only seven male physiology cues, they dive in and try to GUESS which seven… it doesn’t work like that.

There are SEVEN cues, but these cues vary, and ABSOLUTELY MUST be done in a highly targeted, specific, and unique sequence in order to see the results you desire.

WARNING:This is definitely not for everyone

There are some people we simply do not want to give a copy of our program to… and I mean NO offense, but I just don’t want you to waste your time and money. Fair?

Emotional Attraction Sequencing is WRONG For You IF:

You think, “I’m too old to do this.” Listen: you are NOT too old. Period! We’ve seen women in there 70s kicking butt on this System, so get that out of your head!

I wanted to make this an absolute no-brainer for any woman wanting a fresh, simple, and proven way to attract great men into your life.

My team agreed we’d start at this low price and keep it there until we simply could not keep up with the volume of customer support emails (I get a lot of ‘thank you!’ emails and I think it’s only right to answer them all.)

We did the hard work. I rounded up this information from literally decades of interviews, personal training sessions, and from watching the underground heroes of dating & intimacy work miracles on the relationships of men and women.

Here’s where things get really crazy

I know for a fact you are going to absolutely LOVE the Emotional Attraction Sequence that I’m willing to offer…

60-day 100% Money Back Guarantee

Use my method for 60 days ON ME. If you do not get the fastest results you’ve ever seen… no matter what your goals with men are (flirt, fling or find the one)… I will give you 100% of your money back… OR:

If you don’t like the SERVICE you receive and the EASE of purchase, same guarantee: 100% of your money back!

I stand behind my programs, and my commitment to YOU and your dating success.

That’s how absolutely positive we are Emotional Attraction Sequence will revolutionize the way you view relationships and passion —as well as help win back the love from a great guy in record time…

Only a limited amount will be sold at this price

Well, there’s a simple reason for that. 

And I’ve been quietly helping woman secure their romance for over a decade. I serve as your best kept secret weapon because I know, you’re going to absolutely love The Temptress Technique, and you’re going to refer me to any friend you know who wants help with their love life…

More, I’d love to welcome you at one of our private couple’s retreats in the future. 

After we release a few thousand copies at this RIDICULOUSLY low price, we know our servers will be taxed, our time with our members extended… and we will HAVE TO INCREASE THE PRICE.

Remember… this is a limited time opportunity… and you best order now to make sure you lock in the lowest price possible:

Oh… and one other thing you might be wondering about. 

I know a lot of people hate giving their credit card information over the internet. 

I totally get that… And I’m the same way. 

But with the payment partner that I use, ClickBank, you never have to worry about security or privacy. Thanks to ClickBank’s payment processing system… I’ll never see your credit card details. Your purchase will be secured using the most advanced encryption technology money can buy. Note: your order will simply say CLKBNK on your statement.  

And I Want to Give You Some Really Awesome Gifts Today…

I am absolutely confident you’re going to have the BEST system for attracting amazing men into your life. 

And I’m not stopping there. I want you to have every advantage that you’re over-the-top thrilled with your decision to claim your access to Temptress Technique, that I’m including these incredible gifts…

Gift #1! “Feel Confident and Charismatic Daily”

Gift #2! “Perfect, No-Pressure First Dates”

Gift #3! “Let Him Approach You”

By themselves, the guidance in your gifts are priceless.

Remember, the only other way you could access these secrets are when you attend one of our private retreats. 

Yet I want you today to have everything you need to build exciting emotional connection with a great guy from the moment you meet. They’re yours, included with The Temptress Technique.

 And have relief knowing when you click the big yellow button below… you’ll see a summary of the program and what you’ll be receiving for your small investment into your love life. 

Plus all the details on your 100% double money-back guarantee. 

Act fast! Your discount expires when the timer runs out…

Click Here to Add Your Order To Cart 

Still Here? Scroll Back Up And Click The Big Yellow “Add to Cart” ButtonBecause There’s Really Just 3 Paths You Can Take…

Each leading to three very different futures for you…

There’s path number one, which is not a path at all, is just a continuation of the life you have right now…

Simply leave this page without getting started with the Temptress Technique

You can deny everything you’ve learned on this page…

Settle for a relationship that doesn’t fulfill you… Or bounce from man to man every few months to few years hoping each time will be different…

Or you can reject men and the idea of happily lasting love…

I promise you, time will not heal your wounds, unfortunately.

You’ll look back years from now, wondering how much different your life could have been.

Maybe you’ll be glad, that’s only something time will tell.

#2: You Could Keep Trying On Your Own

You could go down path number two, to keep trying on your own.

However… if you had the right guidance you wouldn’t have become unhappy and alone.

Instead, you’d be cherishing in the arms of the man you love, together.

You can try to piece together free information, and spend weeks going in circles…

While your heart aches… wondering why understanding men has to be hard for you and where it all went so wrong… 

Yet I know that’s not what you want for yourself…

And I know you are so done with feeling that… That leads us down path #3…

So tired of wanting your love, your passion with the man you love… who is your rock and your anchor… who just wants you again, and again… and again…

Which is why I want you to take a moment and seriously consider taking path number three.

Because instead, a shortcut to the advice and guidance that you need right now.

The path that will guide you right back into the arms of the man you love.  

In a lot of ways it’s the easier road because all it requires is deciding you love yourself enough to say “YES” right now…

Let’s get you started.When I tell you, click the yellow Add to Cart button below now. You’ll be taken to a secure order form, there, enter your payment information. Then hit the red Pay Now button where you’ll instantly have access to the entire Emotional Attraction System that lets you make him yours.

Now is the time.Begin now.

Click the yellow Add to Cart Button Below Now.

Click Here to Add Your Order To Cart 

I can’t wait to see your love story roll in.

Remember, high quality secure men are craving the depth of an intense emotional connection.

You can have him captivated with little more than your eyes once you understand simple male physiology. 

Once these secrets “click” for you… you will give him the rush and thrill of intense emotional tension. 

It becomes as simple as tuning a dial… yet will feel like an “electric current” flowing between the two of you. 

Yet the real secret is anchoring his emotional attraction to you.  

That’s how you do what you want most…

Create moments that seem to last forever…

By using the Emotion Attraction Sequence, you’ll flood his entire body with a sense of anticipation for you and only you. 

And I can’t even begin to tell you how successful this protocol has been for women around the world.

Say yes, to a tiny, easy decision right now…

The path to wildly exciting incredible men has been laid out for you. 

It’s up to you to take the first step. 

Right now, your window of opportunity is right here.

And it’s not going to be here longer, holding on for you to Say Yes.

And I can’t say this firmly enough: when you pay your discounted enrollment fee today, you’ll lock in your access to the program FOR LIFE without ever paying another DIME!

No fine print. No hidden charges.

Relax and accept the help you need to finally have the passion… love, and power you crave so deeply… I personally promise, you’ll be very happy you did.

All you need to do is begin following the path of the Temptress Technique…

Click the button below, right now, so you can take your next step. 

Take your first step now… and be headed into the arms of the man you truly want. 

You’re going to absolutely love it. 

Click Here to Add Your Order to Cart

Jake Sommer,Kyra KnightlyCo-Creators, Emotional Attraction Sequencing

P.S. Here’s what this is all about:

The ability to hold a man in near suspense with little more than a few secrets of male physiology will have you wrapping him around you finger almost effortlessly.

This is your opportunity to set yourself apart from nearly any other woman that he will meet.

You will be able to captivate him without hardly speaking a word.

And you’ll have him hooked on you, pursuing you, ticking off all of your boxes with men, without relying on sex, youth or beauty. 

That’s why even older women are delightfully surprised how easily they’re securing younger, exciting bachelors away from younger, “pretty” women.

Because if you’re a smart, successful ambitious woman then you understand how important it is to stack every advantage into your favor when it comes to love… Rather than leaving the guy you’ll spend the rest of your life with “up to chance”.

And there’s no bigger advantage than deeply understanding men.

Allowing you to give him what he has been finally missing with most modern women today: deep emotional attraction. 

This is for you if you refuse to settle for anything less than you desire and deserve.

This is for you if you want true choice over the man you will spend the rest of your life with, or possibly just an exciting, satisfying phase. 

You’re going to receive the exact Emotional Attraction Formula that shows you how to wildly turn him on using seven highly specific male physiology cues.

Click here to continue to cart and review your order. 

P.S. – Every second you wait the odds are good you will do nothing. Success in life requires action, so act right now while it’s fresh in your mind…

P.S.S. – Remember, you have a full 60-day trial period to put Temptress Technique to work for you! Put this program to the test and see how it works for you. With the “no questions asked” Money Back Guarantee there’s NO WAY you can lose…

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Make The Perfect Guy Yours – Use The Attraction Sequence is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


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